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Integration Map (Multibeam Echo Sounder, Side Scan Sonar, and Magnetometer): Pramuka Island Case Study
Barnabas Jamot Tambun(a*), Wiwin Windupranata (b)

a)Magister Geodesy and Geomatics, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
b)Research Group of Hydrography, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung


Tabularasa shipwreck was a Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata training ship that sank in Pramuka island in 1995 because of the damage in the ship^s engine room. Some parts of the shipwreck have been completely covered with coral reefs, make this uniqueness becomes the added value of this site for a tourist attraction in diving activities. The shipwreck sites potency which are suitable for marine ecotourism development not accompanied by the availability of bathymetry data that supports tourism, especially in diving activities. Due to the data requirements, research was carried out on July 2022 in Pramuka Island by Complex Multi-disciplinary Field project (CMFP) survey by Institute Technology Bandung CAT-A program. Highly resolved bathymetric data are available from Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES) to detect shipwreck position, side scan sonar (SSS) to generate image data, and Magnetometer to test ferrous object, following the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) standard considered as 1a order with depth independent (a) less than 0.5m. The field project results indicate that shipwrecks can be identified at depths up to 27-35m. Following through the advantages of these instruments, we develop an integration map to support tourism activities.

Keywords: shipwreck- bathymetric survey- IHO- Integration map

Topic: Ocean Sciences

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