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Fermented Feed from Palm Kernel Meal Improves the Performance of Bali Cattle in Central Sulawesi
Fery Fahruddin Munier (1)*, Wardi (2) and Mohammad Takdir (3)

(1) Indonesian Center for Agricultural Technology Assessment and Development, Bogor
(2) Research Center for Animal Husbandry, National Research and Innovation Agency, Bogor, Indonesia
(3) Central Sulawesi Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Palu
*Corresponding author. Email: ffmunier[at]yahoo.com


The success of the beef cattle business of community farms is to provide quality feed and have adequate nutritional content. Efforts can be taken by making concentrate feed based on agricultural products as an effort to provide relatively cheap and quality local feed. The purpose of the study is to add value to palm kernel meal as the main ingredient constituent of animal feed in the development of beef cattle breeding in Parigi Moutong. This research was carried out at the beef cattle development center in the Parigi Moutong Regency of Central Sulawesi Province. The livestock that will be used are 20 female Balinese cattle with an age range of 1.5-2.0 years. The study used a complete random design with treatment K: control (0% palm kernel meal + 0 % cocoa dust), P1: 16.5% palm kernel meal + 38.5% cocoa dust, P2: 27.5% palm kernel meal + 27.5% cocoa dust, P3: 38.5% palm kernel meal + 16.5% cocoa dust. The parameters observed are the chemical composition of the feed (crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat and materials without nitrogen extract, body weight gain and body conditions score. The research data were analyzed by variance analysis (ANOVA), the difference test was carried out with Duncan^s Multiple Range (DMRT). The T2 treatment was higher (41.17 kg) than T3 (40.81 kg), control (29.03 kg) and T1 (27.0 kg). The application of fermented feed from palm kernel meal can increase the weight gain of female cows and the appearance of body conditions score.

Keywords: Bali cattle, Fermented feed, Palm kernel meal

Topic: Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Wardi Wardi)

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