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PleasForage Availability and Quality According to the Goat Breeders in North Minahasa Regency
Ivonne Maria Untu- Wisje Lusia Toar- Laurentius JM Rumokoy

Sam Ratulangi University


The local production of goats played an important role tu support the animal meat availability in the market. On the other hand breeders continued to struggle to maintain their goat production. One of the obstacles faced by them was the availability of quality forage for the needs to their livestock, even though in this area there was quite abundant and varied forage for livestock. Therefore, a survey was conducted to detect the availability of forage and its quality according to breeders views. This research was a realized through a survey approach where the data was processed and presented descriptively. Fifty respondents from goat farmers in this area were interviewed to obtain information regarding the availability of forage and its quality according to their personal views. The results of this survey showed that: 22% of respondents strongly agreed with the statement that the older the forage was, the higher the crude fiber contented, while 24% agreed, but most (40%) undecided and 6% disagreed. Knowledge about forage quality was detected regarding the statement that Caliandra was a potetial source of protein for goats: 46% strongly-agreed, 36% undecided and 12% agreed, but there were still 6% who disagreed. 52% responded that forage goat food is totally available around them and 48% said it was quite available. If given examples of forage plants such as Caliandra sp, then 28% said they were totally available, while 54% said they were quite available, 12% said they did not know and 6% said there was little available, but 0% said none. If you ask about Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott then 58% answered totally-available and 24% available enough and there were 8% who were not sure while 10% said not much. We concluded that to develop goat livestock production in this area, it is very necessary to be accompanied by assistance and technical counseling regarding the availability and quality of forage for the development of goat livestock.

Keywords: local breed, forrage, feed, breeders

Topic: Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Ivonne Maria Untu)

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