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Characteristics of Compost Mixture Feces of Dairy Cattle and Laying Hens Using Bamboo Shoots as a Bioactivator
Muhammad Irfan Said, Endah Murpi Ningrum, Nahariah, Dinda Gita Andrayana, Muhammad Tang

Laboratory of By-Products Processing Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10, Makassar 90245


The use of compost as a source of plant nutrients is growing rapidly. This is supported by the increasing need for food by humans. Agricultural land requires sufficient and sustainable nutrients so that food needs are maintained. Compost can be produced from the feces of ruminants and non-ruminants. It is hoped that the combination of the two types of stool will complement each other. The use of natural materials in the form of bamboo shoots has been used as a bioactivator in the compost fermentation process. This study aims to evaluate the properties of compost from the feces of dairy cattle (DC) and laying hens (LH) using bamboo shoots as a bioactivator for the fermentation process. A completely randomized design with a 3x2 factorial pattern was used as the basic design. The combination of feces of dairy cows (DC) and laying hens (LH) is the first factor. The treatment consisted of different combination ratios (DC:LH), TA(100%:0%)- TB (50%:50%) and TC(0%:100%). Bioactivator level (B) is the second factor, B1(1%) and B5(5%). Repetition is done 3 times. (1) pH values, (2) levels of C-organic, (3) N-total, and the (4) C/N ratio were used as research parameters. The results showed that the difference in the ratio of the combination of feces and the level of bioactivator led to an increase in C-organic and N-total content and a decrease in the pH value and C/N ratio of compost. Treatment of TB(50%:50%) with decomposer level B5(5%) produced compost with the best properties and closer to soil properties.

Keywords: Compost- Dairy cattle feces, Laying hens feces- Bioactivator- Bamboo shoots

Topic: Animal Waste and Environmental Technology

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