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Protective effects of trehalose on ruminant sperm characteristics: A meta-analysis
FA Pamungkas1,a, MM Sholikin1, TP Priyatno1, Herdis1, T Kostaman1, Santoso1, DA Kusumaningrum1, SY Hayanti1 and I Manzila2

1Research Center for Animal Husbandry, National Research and Innovation Agency of The Republic of Indonesia, Cibinong Bogor 16915 Indonesia
2Research Center for Horticultural and Estate Corps, National Research and Innovation Agency of The Republic of Indonesia, Cibinong Bogor 16915 Indonesia

a) Corresponding author: fitr046[at]brin.go.id


Abstract. Sperm cryopreservation adds to the extension of reproductive techniques. The composition of the extender like trehalose in the semen diluent is one of the most basic components influencing cryopreservation. The objective of the research is to find out the cryoprotectant impacts of various concentrations of trehalose in view of the post-thaw quality of ruminant spermatozoa. The data was based on scientific articles that were distributed via Web engines. The following stage was the assessment of reasonableness in regards to the exploration subject and study goals, after which 22 papers were chosen for the data set. To retrieve statistically investigated data from the literature, a mixed model was used. The variable degree of fixation of trehalose in the semen diluent on ruminant sperm qualities was broken down by utilizing a fixed effect. The result showed that the addition of trehalose concentration to the semen diluent expanded the percentage of motility, the hypoosmotic swelling test, and diminished the percentage of abnormality. The recommended optimal level of trehalose addition to maximize sperm motility is around 98.2 mM, or to optimize the hypoosmotic swelling test value, it is about 74 mM. Trehalose improves the quality of ruminant spermatozoa after frozen and thawed, so it is recommended that trehalose be used to protect spermatozoa during the cryopreservation process.

Keywords: cryopreservation, meta-analysis, ruminant, sperm, trehalosePlease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

Topic: Animal Production

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Fitra Aji Pamungkas)

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