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Optimizing the composting of market vegetable waste as a source of organic fertilizer using various types of microorganisms
Anie Asriany

Department Nutrition and Animal Feed, Faculty Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University


Market vegetable waste reaches 75% of the total waste in the form of organic waste and 25% is an organic waste. Composting using local microorganism is expected to reduce waste volume. The purpose of this research is to analyze kind of local microorganism to acceleratethe decomposition of organic matter of vegetable waste, analyzing local microorganism concentration on accelerate of decomposition of organic matter of vegetable waste, analyzed the intraction between type of local microorganism and concentration of local microorganismon the acceleration of decomposition of organic mater. The experiments were arrangel in aFactorial Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD), which consisted of three typesol local microorganism (yeast, banana head, end snail) witht three level concentration (400 Ml, 600 Ml, 500 Ml) treated divided into three blocks as replicates. The results showed that : The highest temperature (35,0C) was in the 12 thday, the composting process was not achieved thermophilic temperature. Local microorganism from banana culm at 400 Ml, dosage accelerated the weight loss of organic matter (16,65%) , the most refined texture. Banana local microorganism spinach at a dose 0f 600 Ml, showed the highest levels of calcium (2.18%) carbon contend (12. 35%), and reduced C/N ratio to lowest 6.05 compared with the other treatments. Banana local microorgamism at 600 Ml, doseshowed a darker compost color.

Keywords: Local mikroorganisme, compost, organic wast

Topic: Animal Waste and Environmental Technology

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