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Microalgae Diversity in Bogor Botanical Gardens
Rizky Priambodo, Salsabila Qisthina Yasmine, Marlina Azzahra, Alviska Rizkikha Hafsyari, Debriyanti Lydia Charismata, Zalfa Nurul Zahirah

Biology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Currently as many as 35,000 microalgae have been identified in the world. One of the identification of microalgae diversity can be found in the Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB). The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity index at the microalgae class level and the microalgae diversity index at each station in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. This research was also carried out to update information on the diversity of microalgae in the Bogor Botanical Gardens which will be useful in maintaining and managing ponds in the Bogor Botanical Gardens tourist area. This research was conducted at the Bogor Botanical Gardens, then observations and identification were carried out at the Zoology Laboratory, Univeritas Negeri Jakarta. The research sampling method used purposive sampling at 8 stations with 2 replications. Water samples were taken using a 10 liter bucket at the periphery of the pond and flowed into the plankton net. The samples were then prepared with the addition of 10% Lugol^s iodine. Abiotic factors such as temperature, pH, and light intensity were also measured as data. Then, the diversity index analysis was carried out using the Shannon-Wiener index equation. The results showed that the diversity of the microalgae class was in the medium category, with the highest diversity index of the microalgae class being in the Bacillariophyceae class (2.29). Meanwhile, the microalgae diversity index number included in the medium category was shown at station 1 (2.5) and the lowest microalgae diversity index number was shown at station 8 (0.97).

Keywords: Microalgae, diversity, Bogor Botanical Gardens

Topic: Biology

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