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Integration smart seal with killowatthour meter
Irawati Dewi syahwir, Rikky Khurniawan, Suprijanto

Akademi Metrologi dan Instrumentasi
Institute Technologi Bandung


Security in the digital era has become a major need and is very important, not limited to personal security, but also security for a product or item of public interest. One of the security that must be applied is the measuring device and its equipment, namely the kWh meter, it must be ensured that the correctness of the measurement results must also be guaranteed so that it is not easily changed so that it affects the correctness of the measurement results. currently one of the security applied to digital kWh meters is for tamper protection. However, this still requires synergy between electricity providers and Metrology in developing a centralized system.
So that a system is designed that can integrate the kWh meter and smart seal with the concept of two-way communication between two devices and the data can be acquired when a change in the condition of the seal is damaged or broken, the kWh meter can disconnect the load current. The integration utilizes the Internet of Things concept via the internet and is recorded into a database, can be displayed through a web application that can be accessed online with the ability to distinguish access levels to monitor UTTP in the field.

Keywords: metrologi, smart segel, meter kWh, Internet of Things

Topic: Computer Science

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