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Medicinal Plants in Schoolyards as Learning Resources
Ratna Dewi Wulaningsih, Mieke Miarsyah

Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


MTs. Al-Hidayah 2 Bogor in 2019 is a school with a newly built building, has land that requires reforestation. Greening is important for providing oxygen to the school environment, and some of these plants have medicinal properties. These medicinal plants include ginger, fragrant pandan, Rosella, green betel, and so on. The purpose of this research is to do reforestation by planting medicinal plants, for the maintenance of health and the preservation of the surrounding environment, as well as being a source of learning for students at school, knowing student attitudes, and increasing student knowledge about medicinal plants. Planting is done by students by digging the soil and inserting the available plants into it, then covering it with ready-to-plant soil media. Plant maintenance is carried out by clearing the land of weeds, to prevent competition for plant nutrients, in addition to cleanliness and beauty. The remains of plants and grass are dried and then buried deep into the soil because it can increase soil fertility. The rest of this plant can also be processed to be used as organic fertilizer or compost. Provision of water by means of continuous watering is very important, especially for young and newly growing plants, for further this watering activity can be adjusted to the environmental conditions of the yard, whether dry or wet (humid). Damaged plants are replaced with better ones. Next, students filled out attitude questionnaires, and worked on pre-test and post test questions about knowledge of medicinal plants. The results showed that students had good attitudes, and there was an increase in students knowledge of medicinal plants, and plants planted by students grew well, which were useful for the maintenance of the surrounding ecosystem, and were a source of learning for students at school.

Keywords: Planting, medicinal plants, learning resources

Topic: Biology Education

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