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Deyana Putri Rindiani Santoso, Aksan Kawanda

Trisakti University


In the development of a construction, it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation properly. Because it is the most important part of a building in the form of buildings, roads, houses, and etc. The foundation plays an important role, that is as a distributor and load-bearing load that is above the ground surface axially or to withstand external or lateral loads. The ability of a foundation to withstand loads is called bearing capacity. Lateral bearing capacity is the ability of the foundation to withstand horizontal forces and loads. Lateral loads are loads that move horizontally and consist of several types such as wind loads, lateral earth pressures, wave loads, ships, and etc. In determining the lateral bearing capacity there are several methods in its calculation, one of which is the Brom method. The Broms method is a method that can be used in calculating the lateral bearing capacity with analytical and graphic calculations. According to Broms (1964), the calculation of the lateral bearing capacity in this method can only be used on homogeneous soils, that is only on cohesive soils or only on granular soils. In the calculation process, using the Bromine method, there are several requirements and steps that need to be carried out to get the results of the lateral bearing capacity that can be held by the foundation.

Keywords: Bearing capacity, Lateral bearing capacity, Broms method.

Topic: Produktifitas dan Efektifitas Kinerja Komponen Lingkungan Terbangun

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