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Analysis of Law Enforcement on Marine Debris in Indonesia
Eka Merdekawati Djafar(a), Tri Fenny Widayanti (b*), M. Zulfan Hakim(a), Syarif Saddam Rivanie (c)

a) Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University
b) International Law Department, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University
email : trifenny[at]
c) Criminal Law Department, Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University


Marine debris one of the source of marine pollution that will damage marine ecosystems and be harmful to human health. To deal with marine debris, the government has formed a national action plan for marine debris 2018-2025 as the implementation of Presidential Regulation No. 83 of 2018 concerning the handling of marine debris. Law enforcement is one of the strategies in the action plan, but in practice, law enforcement cannot implemented effectively. The absence of sanctions given to the garbage throwers and the absence of socialization of the rules regarding marine debris make there no deterrent effect and therefore increase the amount of marine debris in Indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical approach with analytical descriptive research to describe and analyze the use of international legal instruments nationally. The results of this study are that strict rules must be made, especially the imposition of sanctions on the perpetrators of marine waste disposal so that it will have a deterrent effect, sanctions can be in the form of fines or criminal sanctions. The government also must socialize to the public regarding the provision of these sanctions, so that there is good cooperation. between the government, and the community

Keywords: Marine Debris, Law enforcement, Sanction

Topic: Marine and Fisheries Socio - Economics and Culture (International)

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