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The use of superior common carp fish for better aquaculture
Didik Ariyanto

Research Institute for Fish Breeding


Fish farming is an economic business activity that has been carried out for a long time in Indonesia. One of the most popular commodities cultured is common carp. In 2001, common carp production was 418,910 MT, equivalent to 63.5% of Indonesia^s national production. However, the existence of obstacles in common carp culture, especially the outbreak of KHV in 2002 and the decrease of genetic quality of fish, indicated by slower growth of fish, resulted a significant decrease of common carp production. The use of lower genetic quality of fish causes the efficiency of the feed used is getting lower, indicated by the high value of the FCR. In-efficient use of feed has an impact on increasing feed waste in culture environment. In order to increase the common carp production, several varieties of superior common carp have been released for the farmer. Empirically, superior fish carp has a better growth rate and more efficient in the use of feed. Culture of these superior varieties impacted to increase the national production of common carp, by an average of 8.7%/year. In the other hand, the quality of the culture environment is keep in good because of the small amount of feed waste produced.

Keywords: superior common carp, better aquaculture

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture (International)

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