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Relationship Between Reading the Quran, Individual Characteristics, and Social Support with Work Stress Levels of Muslim Workers in the Informal Sector in Indonesia in 2022
Muhamad Ikbal1, Raihana Nadra Alkaff2, Siti Rahmah Hidayatullah Lubis3, Izza Hananingtyas4

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University


Work stress can be influenced by several factors, both internal and external. Informal sector workers have work-related challenges, namely work productivity that is less developed, so this can be a problem that has the potential to cause psychosocial problems for workers. The Quran as the holy book of Muslims can also be useful as a non-medical therapy medium to deal with mental health problems. This study aims to determine the relationship between reading the Quran, individual characteristics, and social support with the work stress level of Muslim informal sector workers in the Bekasi Regency, Indonesia in 2022. The study design of this study was cross-sectional with the number of respondents, based on the sample calculation with a two-proportion difference test, as many as 118 informal workers. Analysis of the data used is univariate and bivariate using the Chi-Square test. Based on the 7 variables, statistical analysis carried out in this study and the results showed that there were 3 variables that had a significant relationship with the work stress level of Muslim informal sector workers, namely reading the Quran (Pvalue = 0,000), years of service (Pvalue = 0,010), and social support (Pvalue = 0,000). Years of service, reading the Quran, and social support contribute to the incidence of work stress in informal workers. Suggestions for informal workers can pay attention to the working period so that they can cope with work stress well and increase spiritual activities by regularly reading the Quran and increasing social relations based on religious activities.

Keywords: Informal Workers Sector, Work Stress, Reading Quran, Individual Characteristics, Sosial Support

Topic: Public Health and Global Health

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Muhamad Ikbal)

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