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Lozenges Formulation of Noni Juice Microcapsules with Hydroxypropyl Cellulose as Binder
Nurjannah, Heni Asnah (a*), Yuni Anggraeni (a), Rizna Triana Dewi (b)

a) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Islam Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia- *heni.asnahn18[at]mhs.uinjkt.ac.id
b) Research Centre for Pharmaceutical Ingredient and Traditional Medicine, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Kawasan PUSPIPTEK, Building 452, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15314 Indonesia


Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) has been known as a plant that has various activities, one of which is antihypertensive. This research was conducted to formulate lozenges of M. citrifolia juice microcapsules with various concentrations of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose as binder (6%, 8% and 10%). In this study, the powder from the encapsulation of fermented M. citrifolia juice with maltodextrin (1:1) was used. Physical characterization of the M. citrifolia juice microcapsules was carried out including organoleptic, loss on drying, flow rate, angle of repose, compressibility index, moisture content, and hygroscopicity. The result showed that M. citrifolia juice microcapsules had poor flowability and was hygroscopic, hence dry granulation method was chosen to produce. Additional ingredients include hydroxypropyl cellulose as binder, lactose as filler, mannitol and sucralose as sweeteners, magnesium stearate as lubricant, aerosil as glidant and adsorbent. The granules produced were tested including flow rate, angle of repose, compressibility index, moisture content, and particle size distribution. The granules were compressed into lozenges and the lozenges were evaluated for physical properties including organoleptic, moisture content, disintegration time, dissolution time, uniformity of weight and size, hardness, and friability. The results showed that all concentrations of the binder produced M. citrifolia juice microcapsules lozenges with good physical characteristics. The formula with a binder concentration of 6% showed the most optimal results with hardness, dissolution time and disintegration time of 8,2 kg- 13,83 minutes- and 32,31 minutes respectively. Increasing the concentration of binder can increase the hardness, dissolution time, and disintegration time of M. citrifolia juice microcapsules lozenges.

Keywords: Morinda citrifolia L.- Lozenges herbal- Hydroxypropyl cellulose

Topic: Pharmaceutical Sciences

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