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Risk Factor of Stunting in Children aged 6 - 23 Months in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Province in 2018 (Riskesdas Data Analysis 2018)
Tasya Amalia, Dr. Minsarnawati, S.KM, M.Kes, Dela Aristi, S.KM., M.KM, Rahmah Hida Nurrizka, S.KM., M.KM

Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Science, State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jl. Kertamukti, Ciputat, South Tangerang


Stunting is still a problem in the world, including in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting national has decreased year by year, but the decline is still above the threshold recommended by WHO, which is 20%. NAD Province is one of the provinces with the highest prevalence of stunting and is one of the focus locations for stunting interventions. Stunting has an impact that is not only felt by individuals but has an impact on the country^s economy. In addition, stunting is a problem caused by several factors, and these factors are connected. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence stunting in children aged 6 - 23 months in NAD Province in 2018. This study uses secondary data from Riskesdas 2018 with a cross-sectional study design and a population of 1,165 children aged 6 - 23 months. in NAD Province in 2018. The results in this study showed that ANC visits no standard and MP-ASI was no timely increased the risk of 1,393 and 1,806 times the incidence of stunting in children aged 6 - 23 months in NAD Province in 2018. It can be concluded that the risk factors that most influence the incidence of stunting in children aged 6 - 23 months in NAD Province in 2018 is MP-ASI that is no on time. Therefore, stunting prevention can be done by increasing the PIS-PK program, providing MP-ASI on time by paying attention to the quality of food according to age, and forming and training cadres to accompany MP-ASI.

Keywords: Risk factors, stunting in children aged 6 - 23 months, NAD Province

Topic: Public Health and Global Health

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