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Relationship of Knowledge with Choice of Contraceptive Devices (Study of 2016 PMA IPUMS Data in Indonesia on Women Age 35-49 Years Who Have >2 Children)
Dinila Anjarsari Hanapi- DR. Yuli Amran, SKM. MKM- Narila Mutia Nasir, SKM, MKM, Ph.D- Raihana Nadra, SKM, MKA, Ph.D

Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Introduction: The selection of non-MKJP in Indonesia for WUS 35 years is still high. WUS 35 years who already have >2 children have a high risk of complications during pregnancy or delivery, so it is recommended to limit pregnancy.
Aims: This study aims to prove the relationship between knowledge and the choice of contraceptives in women aged 35-49 years and the number of children >2.
Methods: This study uses a quantitative approach with a Cross-Sectional design. The data source of this research is the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series Performance Monitoring for Action (IPUMS PMA) 2016. The sample of this research is women of childbearing age 35-49 years and already have children >2 with a total of 1,245 WUS.
Result: In this study, it was found that almost two-thirds of women aged 35-49 years were interested in non-MKJP who had more than two children. Most of them do not know the side effects of contraceptives, so they have a 1.61 times chance of using non-MKJP, which is not recommended for their condition. In addition, it was found that the husband^s support and education level can affect the relationship between knowledge and the choice of contraceptives.
Conclusions: Knowledge about the side effects of contraceptives among women aged 35 years and in the middle to low education level needs to be improved. In addition, the husband^s support also needs to be improved, among others, by increasing the husband^s knowledge about contraceptives and also encouraging husbands to have an attitude of respecting the wife^s choice in choosing contraceptives that they know are in accordance with the health condition of the wife^s body.

Keywords: Selection of Contraception, Knowledge of Side Effects, Age 35-49 years, Number of Children >2

Topic: Public Health and Global Health

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