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CAD, BIM, Parametric and Their Use as Auxiliary Tools in Design Studios Case Study: Final Year Students at Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
Ardhiana Muhsin (a*), Erwin Yuniar Rahadian (a)

a) Department of Architecture, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung (Itenas)
Jl. P.H.H. Mustofa No 23 Bandung, 40124, Indonesia.


The development of digital technology in the past two decades has a major impact on various sectors including architecture and construction. In Indonesia, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), which began to be known around 1990-1994 as a tool in drawing, had pros and cons compared to manual drawing methods. In line with the emergence of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology towards the beginning of 2000. BIM also experienced a period of pros and cons like when CAD was first present. The presence of a parametric-based design method then seems to reverse the drawing method that has been known by computer users as a drawing tool.
However, the world of practitioners, which is moving faster, requires universities to always make adjustments to the needs of competence through the courses offered, and students as the main object in the world of architectural education are required to keep abreast of the latest technological developments.
This paper tries to examine the comparison of the methods of drawing aids for students, by examining the majority of software used by final year students. The results of this study can then be used as input for the curriculum team in improving the curriculum in the Itenas architecture study program.

Keywords: Architecture, Curriculum, Design, Digital, Method, Student

Topic: Digital technology in architecture education

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Erwin Yuniar Rahadian)

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