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Innovation and Implementation of Boardgame Media Development to Develop Aspects of Early Childhood Development
Nenny Mahyuddin (a*), Yaswinda (b), Rani Sofya (c), Vebionita Megi Putri (d)

(a) Universitas Negeri Padang
(b) Universitas Negeri Padang
(c) Universitas Negeri Padang
(d) Universitas Negeri Padang


To protect and eliminate the habit of dependence on technology use, learning media is needed that can attract children^s attention. In the learning process, the use of fun learning methods can be applied using educative learning media, one of which is using board games, which are interactive and attractive media in adjusting content that can be adapted to the child^s learning process. The purpose of this study was to develop a boardgame product as a learning medium in developing 6 aspects of child development in accordance with the kindergarten learning curriculum. This type of research uses research and development, with a 4D development model. Data collection uses questionnaires, interviews, documentation and validation of media materials, and uses data analysis techniques for validation, practicality and effectiveness. This research has reached the second stage, namely Design which is expected to provide variance in the selection of learning media that can help development after playing board game media.

Keywords: Boardgame, Developmental aspect, PAUD

Topic: play

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