Duration of Computer Use and Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Subjective Complaints among Workers Heni Fariatul Aeni (1)* Isyeu Sriagustini (2) Andi Suhenda (3) Roni Iryadi (4) Dewi Nurlia (1)
1) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon, Cirebon, Indonesia
2) STIKes Respati Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
3) Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
4) Politeknik Kesehatan Bhakti Pertiwi Husada Cirebon, Indonesia
Computer vision syndrome is a collection of disorders related to the eye and vision that result from prolonged computer use. Symptoms experienced by CVS sufferers include dry eyes, red eyes, itching, watery eyes, loss of focus or blured vision, in some cases it also cause headaches, back pain, shoulder pain, and muscle spasms. This study aims to determine the relationship between the duration of computer use and computer vision syndrome subjective complaints among computer user workers at PT Jafpa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk Unit Cirebon in 2018. This was an analytical descriptive study with a cross sectional design. The population in this study was the computer user workers at PT Jafpa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk unit Cirebon as many as 120 people and a sample size of 55 respondents was obtained using purposive sampling technique. The method of data collection was carried out by interview using a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the chi square test with a significance level of 5% (0.05). The result of statistical tests using chi square showed that there was a significant relationship between the duration of computer use and Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) subjective complaints with a p value 0.032 (<0.005). Thus, the longer the computer use, the higher the risk of experiencing CVS subjective complaints.
Keywords: Computer Vision Syndrome, duration of computer use