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Exploration Ethnomathematics Rumoh Krong Bade in Aceh
Arief Aulia Rahman(a*), Cut Eva Nasryah(a), Dian Kristanti(a), Darhim(b), Ahmad Fauzan(c)

(a)Department of Mathematics Education, STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh, West Aceh, Indonesia
(b)Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia
(c)Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia


Education and culture are things that cannot be separated from everyday life. Ethnomathematics appears as a bridge of culture and education, especially mathematics learning. Without realizing it, the community has carried out various activities with basic mathematical concepts and mathematical ideas. For example, counting activities include numbers, measuring (length, area, volume, and weight), art, games, trading (calculating change, profit and loss, etc.), and building architecture. This study aims to study and analyze the ethnomathematics exploration of Acehnese traditional houses in order to obtain basic information in the development of ethnomathematics in learning geometric mathematics, especially in the form of Rumoh Krong Bade in Aceh. In this research, the type of research used was exploratory with ethnographic methods. Based on the results of the research conducted, some mathematical elements and concepts were used in carrying out the activities of making Rumoh Krong Bade in Aceh. Namely, Concept of Plane Figures, Solid Figures, lines, similarity,symmetry and fractals. Without studying this mathematical theory, Aceh^s community have applied mathematical concepts in everyday life. It is proven that the ethnomathematical form of Aceh communitycan be discovered through the various results of mathematical activities that are owned and developed in the Aceh community, including the building activities of the Rumoh Krong Bade in Aceh.

Keywords: Aceh^s Culture- Ethnomathematics- Geometry- Rumoh Krong Bade

Topic: Education

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