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Dede Yuda Wahyu Nurhuda

STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada Tasikmalaya


Indonesia as a nation state has interesting characteristics and is rich in values that live in its society. Of course, these values need to be properly maintained at any time. The Indonesian state today is tested with a situation that shows that national values are fading, which has resulted in the country^s being left behind from other countries. The world of education is one of the most important places in maintaining this value, so that national values are developed in Indonesian education.
This type of research used in this study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data collected is in the form of detailed information explaining the description of the actualization of the application of national values through interviews and field studies conducted, from the data obtained, an analysis is carried out to get an overview of the implementation of national values.
The results showed that the actualization of national values at the Pondok Pesantren Idrisiyah Tasikmalaya, was carried out well, the curriculum was systematic in accordance with the provisions, supported by activities and supporting programs. The characteristics of the Religious Education that is carried out in Islamic boarding schools are the main means of instilling national values. The pesantren which was born from the Idrisiyah Tarekat added solidly to the cultivation of national values, especially the value of love for the country, this was in accordance with the characteristics of the Idrisiyah tarekat.
The inculcation of national values in the boarding system in the Pondok Pesantren Idrisiyah is reflected in good educational activities for students, this is supported by the values and characteristics of the pesantren and the boarding system implemented by the pesantren.

Keywords: National values-Pondok Pesantren- education

Topic: Social Science and Humanities

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