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Form and Structure Of Sundanese Karawitan Music As A Form Cultural Expression In The China Etnic Community Pasundan Asih In Bandung
Asep Wasta, Arni Apriani

Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya


Pasundan Asih is an ethnic Chinese community in the city of Bandung which is engaged in socio-cultural activities. This group is active in studying and performing Sundanese cultural arts at several regional and national events. Trained by Sundanese artists from ethnic Chinese circles as well as one of the founders of Padepokan Pasundan Asih, Tan Deseng. The activities carried out are to provide motivation to strengthen nationality and love for the country through learning and inheriting Sundanese art. His musical works are in the form of traditional music and cross-culture collaborative music between Sundanese and Chinese / Mandarin music. This article attempts to reveal the processes and efforts made by the Chinese Ethnic Community in Bandung through learning cultural arts, especially Sundanese Karawitan music. Data obtained through field observations, interviews, and audio video documentation studies. This study uses a qualitative approach that is analyzed with multi-disciplinary studies including Ethnomusicology and Psychosocio-culture to reveal the roles, processes and impacts that they produce as a form of cultural adaptation.

Keywords: Pasundan Asih, Cultural Adaptation, Sundanese Culture, Sundanese Karawitan Music

Topic: Education

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