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Nurlaila (a)*, Sri Wijayanti (b), Ning Iswati (c)

a, c. STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong
Jl. Yos Soedarso No.461 Gombong Kebumen Jawa Tengah Indonesia 54412
b. RSUD Prembun
Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.53, Ngeposan, Prembun, Kebumen 54395


Background: There are still many infants and children who have never been immunized at all, due to maternal concerns resulting from side effects from such immunizations such as pain, heat, and often illness. Several studies have been conducted on techniques to reduce the pain felt by babies during immunization, one of them is Family Triple Support (FTS). FTS is an integrated intervention that involves the role of parents in overcoming pain problems during infant immunization procedures
Aim: To determine the effect of family triple support (FTS) on infant pain response during pentabio immunization.
Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent posttest design only. Sample in this study were infants given pentabio immunization at Alian Health Center as many as 84 infants were taken randomly and single blind. Respondent was divided into 2 groups (42 treatment group and 42 control group). Pain assessment was performed during injection using the FLACC seen from video recordings by two people. Data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney U Test.
Results: There was an effect of Family Triple Support (FTS) on infant pain response during pentabio immunization at Alian Health Center (p = 0.000). Most infantss were female (51.2%) and aged 2-3 months (34.5%). Most infants in treatment group showed moderate pain (59.5%) and all infants in control group showed severe pain (100.0%).
Conclusion: The response of infant pain during immunization for pentabio group given triple family support treatment) is lower than the group of infants given hug treatment.

Keywords: family triple support (FTS), pain, infants, immunization, pentabio

Topic: Health, Medical, Pharmacy and Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Nurlaila S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep)

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