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Development of Islamic Understanding in Students of Jenderal Soedirman University Purwokerto In The 4.0 Industry Era
Moh.Roqib, Fauzi, Ridwan, Sulkhan Chakim, Eka Safitri

IAIN Purwokerto


Allegations of radical Islam often appear on campus. Although it tends to be in the realm of ideological struggle, it can develop into a discourse of the struggle of the Khilafah. This condition occurs because religion often appears and is used in social interactions by the goals and interests of the followers of the religion in question. So religious portraits like what is developing in higher education need to be explored further. This research is field research with a qualitative approach, which aims to examine and trace the development of inclusive Islamic understanding at Jenderal Soedirman University Purwokerto, as a fairly large tertiary institution in Purwokerto. The data in this study were obtained using snowball sampling with triangulation techniques namely observation, documentation, and interviews. Unsoed students religious understanding maps are quite diverse with various religious expressions and tend to be not comprehensive. The role of lecturers in the development of students inclusive Islamic understanding is through PAI lectures that are inclusive-integrative with dialogical, rational, and anthropological approaches, deepening the reading of the Quran and interpretations and conducting coaching and supervision of mentoring activities conducted by Lembaga Dakwah Kampus. The contribution of student organizations in developing inclusive Islam both UKKI or UKI, KAMMI, HMI, PMII, KMNU, and USMAN, carry out activities following the vision and mission of the organization which generally seeks to develop partnerships, regeneration, campaign for friendly Islam and open dialogue with various another organization. Based on research it is known that the development of inclusive Islamic understanding in students is more dominated by organizations affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama which are known to be accommodative and moderate, even though those who occupy strategic positions in intra-campus organizations are dominated by KAMMI affiliated with the Ikhwanul Muslimin. While the Gema Pembebasan which is affiliated with HTI in the campus environment is no longer visible but is still active outside the campus with closed and active dissemination of the conception of the Khilafah on social media

Keywords: religion understanding, inclusive Islam, Khilafah, student organization

Topic: Social Science and Humanities

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Ihsan Sadudin)

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