Kalteng Berkah Scholarship Benefits, What For and Who? (Evaluation of the Scholarship Program with the Transactional Model) Bulkani (*), Rita Rahmaniati, Nurul Hikmah Kartini
Department of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya, RTA Milono St. Km.1.5, Palangka Raya 73111, Indonesia
This study aims to evaluate the Kalteng Berkah Bidikmisi Scholarship Program from the Central Kalimantan Government for students studying in Central Kalimantan. The method used is the evaluation of the transactional model program. The paradigm used is a mixture of qualitative-quantitative. The qualitative approach is used to analyze the responses of program recipients descriptively, while the quantitative approach is used to test the applicability of the sample responses to the population of scholarship recipients. The study population was all 15,086 recipients of the Kalteng Berkah scholarship, and 998 students were taken randomly. Data collection techniques using online questionnaires. Data analysis was performed by qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis in the form of a proportion test and difference test using a one-way analysis of variance. By using the transactional evaluation model, it is concluded that the Kalteng Berkah Scholarship Program has been successfully implemented by the program objectives as expected. Students from private tertiary institutions benefit more from this program than by students from public universities. Besides, students who study in small cities/district capitals experience greater benefits compared to students studying in big cities/provincial capitals. Another finding states that there is no difference in the benefits felt by students who receive the Blessing Central Kalimantan Scholarship Program in terms of the year they received the scholarship.