The Impact of the Zoom Cloud Meeting in Developing Transformative Leadership at State Institute for Islamic Religion of Palu Moh Ali,1 Jihan,2 Ahmad Syahid,3 Misnah,4 Alwy Husein Prawironegoro,5
1State Institute for Islamic Religion of Palu, moh.ali[at]
2State Institute for Islamic Religion of Palu, jihan[at]
3State Institute for Islamic Religion of Palu, ahmadsyahid[at]
4Tadulako University. misnah[at]
5State Senior High School 7 Cirebon City, cakranegara19[at]
Transformative leadership is a person^s ability to influence the values, attitudes, beliefs and behavior of others to achieve organizational goals by collaborating between superiors and subordinates and providing self-actualization freedom so that the mission and goals of the organization can be accomplished properly. This digital era requires leaders to conduct meetings or give instructions in the organization by using various applications available on each employee^s gadget, including Cisco Webex, Time Link, and Zoom Meeting. One of the applications often used by the leadership at the Palu State Institute For Islamic Religion campus is the zoom meeting application for meetings, competency exams, workshops, seminars, technical guidance, education and training, as well as providing direction or guidance to lecturers or employees. The research method is descriptive qualitative, the data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation, while the data validity checking technique uses triangulation. The results of this research are that the impact of using Zoom Cloud Meetings in the development of transformative leadership at the State Institute For Islamic Religion of Palu greatly affects and has very good implications for lecturers and employees including an increase in knowledge, skills, abilities, organizational culture, and vision-oriented. Other impacts are changing the mindset, communication style, how to carry out work, evaluate, improve the quality of the campus, and how to carry out training or seminar whether it is held on or outside campus