Renewal of Islamic Education Thinking According to K.H. Imam Zarkasyi and His Role in the Development of Modern Islamic Institution of Darussalam Gontor Cecep Sobar Rochmat1, Moh Ali2, M. Asy^ari3
1Gontor Modern Islamic Institution Campus 11, Poso, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, cecepsobarrochmat79[at]
2State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu, Indonesia, moh.ali[at]
3State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu, Indonesia, m.asyari[at]
The concept of Islam in the method of education is very perpect and balanced, as Islam has provided perpect living rules in detail in the Quran and Sunnah, K.H. Imam Zarkasyi has realized a renewal in Islamic education thougt and has played a role in development of Gontor Islamic Institution for its beneficial goals.The problems in this study are: 1). What are the dimensions of renewal thougt of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi in Islamic Education?.2). How is the role of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi in the development of Gontor Islamic Institution?.The theory used in this research is the Sociology of Knowlege Karl Mannheim, which a qualitative method approach that describes the characteristics of a figure, data collection techniques using the study of literature, making the study in library as its main activity, and research instruments in data collecting using discourse analysis.The results of this research are (1). The dimensions of renewal thougt of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi in Islamic Education are divided into two thinks, First is about educational system there are: a). He believes that education is more important than teaching. b). The Institutional is not fanatical about the class and certain civil group. c). The ideal educational institution is that which is represented for the benefit of the Islamic ummah. d).the importance of Islamic Institutional cadre Secondly is about educational matter. a). Every academic or non-academic activity in an Islamic institution must lead to the formation of student character. b). language is the key to finding broader science. c). There is no dichotomy between religion sciene and general science, according to Islam all is important to learn. d). The importance of both Salaf and Khalaf doctrin of thought in teaching Ahlussunnah wal-Jamaah faith. (2). And his role in the development of Gontor Islamic Institution are divided into two thinks, First, about development of institution management, there are- a). His role in establishment of Gontor Islamic In
Keywords: Renewal, Thougt, Islamic Education, Role, Development