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The Influence of Drying Temperature Variation on the Quality of Bagasse Bio-pellet
Moh. Jufri (a*), Billy Muhammad (a), Mulyono (a), Ary Dwi Astuti (a), Daryono (a), Heni Hendaryati (a), Ali Saifullah (a)

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246 Malang


Demand on bio-pellet as alternative energy has widely increased. It occurs as people have aware of energy-saving for today and future living. Therefore, the increment in bio-pellet quality has also been a concern. The bio-pellet quality can be influenced by the materials (biomass) and its treatments. One of the treatments for the bagasse bio-pellet is drying. It is conducted to lessen its moisture before it is produced by the ring die pellet mill. The influence of drying temperature toward bagasse bio-pellet quality is the focus of this experiment. The result shows that the different drying temperature for bagasse bio-pellet gives a different quality. However, those qualities comply with the requirement of the Indonesian National Standard for biomass energy.

Keywords: bagasse, bio-pellet, drying temperature

Topic: Engineering and Technology

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