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Design and Development of Android Golden 1000-Based Application for Initiating 1000 First Days of Birth to Prevent Stunting
Melsa Sagita Imaniar1, Sri Susilawati1, Tatu Septiani Nurhikmah1

Midwifery Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia


Stunting is one of the nutritional problems experienced by toddlers. around 16 million children in the world and 8 million (37.2%) children in Indonesia. Stunting is a condition where toddlers have less length or height when compared to age. Stunting can occur as a result of malnutrition, especially during the first 1000 days of life (HPK). Understanding of pregnant women about stunting prevention needs to be improved, one of the efforts to address these problems is to require breakthroughs in health services. To answer these challenges is the application of the golden 1000 which is an android-based application that can be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and mothers having children under 24 months and midwives in escorting 1000 HPK as an effort to support stunting prevention programs. The research method used is the model waterfall, a development approach software systematic and sequential, which starts at the level and progress of the system, including analysis of user needs, namely pregnant women breastfeeding mothers and toddlers less than 24 months, application design, application algorithm, implementation, and Application Testing. The research results obtained features made in the application include a login menu, register, then pregnancy nutrition, exercise in pregnancy, preparation for breastfeeding, early breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding assistance, how to make MP-ASI, stunting detection matrix, articles of the latest research results about 1000 HPK and stunting, online consultations with midwives and the kinds of interactions that children can do to do fallen stimulation. The Golden 1000 application consists of a menu feature that displays educational needs for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and mothers with 2-year-old children and midwives to oversee 1000 HPK and prevent stunting.

Keywords: Stunting, 1000 HPK, golden 1000, Android application

Topic: Health, Medical, Pharmacy and Technology

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