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The Distinction of Albumin Level in Raw and Steamed Snakehead Fish (Channa Striata) by Using Spectrophometry UV-VIS Method
Sri Susilawati, Meti Patimah and Melsa Sagita Imaniar

Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya


Snakehead fish (Channa Striata) is a tropical freshwater / river fish known for its high protein content, especially albumin. The protein concentrate in snakehead fish can be consumed by humans with a very good protein component. The discovery of protein albumin in snakehead fish is very beneficial for health and makes this snakehead fish has a very high potential functionally. This study aims to determine the significant difference in albumin levels between raw and steamed snakehead fish. The method in this research is using experimental research. Sampling was carried out by accidental sampling, namely taking samples that happened to exist and were available in a snakehead fish cultivation place according to the context of the researcher. The populations in this study were fresh snakehead fish sold by snakehead fishermen in Ciharalang Ciamis. The samples used were 1 kg of fresh and steamed snakehead fish, which were taken from cork fishermen in Ciamis. 10 grams of both fresh and steamed snakehead fish samples were taken- the steamed fish is made of the fresh raw fish. Moreover, each sample was extracted first using centrifugation. After the albumin extraction was obtained, the albumin content was calculated using visible spectrophotometry. The results showed that snakehead fish which had been steamed by steaming process could reduce the albumin content in it. The albumin content in raw snakehead fish is 422% b&#8260-band in steamed fish is 294% b&#8260-b. To sum up, there is a significant difference between the albumin level of raw snakehead fish and steamed one.

Keywords: Albumin, Cork fish, steaming

Topic: Science

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