Stabilization of Palangka Raya Peat with Mixture of Non-Organic Soil and Cement Rida Respati*, Ridho Saleh Silaban
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya
Jl. RTA. Milono Km 1,5 Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Palangka Raya generally had an area with peat conditions with large enough scope. It was important to realize that the construction of transportation infrastructure such as roads on peatlands created many problems. The problems that would be faced among others starting from the big cost that must be incurred for the implementation of development to the chosen method in handling the construction of buildings on peat soil itself. In this study would be used peat soil improvement chemically by using cement as stabilizing material and saw how much influence the mixture of non-organic soil and cement on the strength of stabilized peat soil. The addition of cement varies 5%, 10%, and 15%. By the mixture of peat soil, non-organic soil, and cement, which were 40% of peat soils and 60% of non-organic soils. The stabilization was intended to increase the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) value obtained. The addition of cement was done to the stabilization mixture of peat and granite soils it was proven could increase the value of CBR. California Bearing Ratio value of mixture peat and granite soil without cement obtained at 6.08%. While on the addition of 5% cement the CBR value dropped to 7.32%. Henceforth, the addition of cement 10% and 15% CBR mixed soil had been enhancement each 7.6% and 8.17% systematically. Generally, the CBR value of mixed soil, peat soil, and granite has fulfilled the requirements as optional/sub-base heap material based on soil qualification for CBR of optional landfill range from 7-20%.