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Formulation And Evaluation Gel Caffeine With The Variation Of Concentration Carbomer 940
Anna L Yusuf, Davit Nugraha, Rita Lestari, Siti Rahmah, Marlina Indriastuti

Program Studi D3 Farmasi STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis
Jl KH Ahmad Dahlan No 29 Ciamis


Caffeine has been used for a long time as an ingredient in medicine and beauty care. Caffeine have efficacy anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are very useful to overcome various skin problems so that it is found in many skin care products. Caffeine gel is made because the gel is a preparation that is comfortable to use on the skin. The purpose of this research is to know formulations gel employing variations the gelling agent carbomer 940 qualified. Variation concentrations that are used which is 0.4%, 0.5% and 0.6%.
Caffeine gel making in the first stage is the development of carbomer 940 in water temperature of 80 degrees Celcius, let stand 30 minutes then stir. Add the TEA stir until it is homogeneous. Dissolve methyl paraben in hot water, add propylenglycol and glycerin, stir homogeneously, then add methylparaben, then put into mortar (gel base) stir homogeneously. Put the caffeine solution into a homogeneous stirring base and add water little by little until the weight of the gel severe 100 grams while stirring up homogeneous.
Evaluation formulation gel caffeine covering the organoleptic with the results of all the produce preparation semisolid form. The preparation of homogeneity produce homogenous. Ph F1, F2 and F3 in over ph values the standard between 5,5 and 6,5 so it can be said qualified. F1, F2 and F3 adhesion evaluation has a viscosity of between 1.38 and 2.11 seconds in accordance with the standards so that they requirements. The spreadability evaluation F1, F2 and F3 meet the standard requirements of 5 and 7 cm. Syneresis test produces stable F1, F2 and F3, no syneresis occurs so that the preparation remains stable. Viscosity evaluation F1, F2 and F3 meet the requirements of good viscosity, which is between 2000 cps and 4000 cps. The heat resistance test has a slight change in the pH value ie the pH has increased but the pH value is still in the range of normal and eligible pH values. It can be concluded that the caffeine gel formulation uses a variation of gelling agent carbomer 940 0.4%, 0.5% and 0.6%meet the requirements.

Keywords: Carbomer 940, Caffeine gel, Evaluation and formulation gel

Topic: Health, Medical, Pharmacy and Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Anna Yusuf)

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