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Type of Floor and Occupancy Density Increased the Risk of Pulmonary TB Incidence
Awis Hamid Dani, Mohamad Sadli , Suzana Indragiri, Cucu Herawati , Cicih suharsih

STIKes Cirebon


A house is a building that functions as a place to live or shelter as well as a family fostering facility. One of the criteria for a healthy housing, among others, is that it must meet physical needs. Tuberculosis is a direct contagious disease caused by the TB germ (mycobacterium tuberculosis). This study aims to analyze the risk factors for pulmonary TB. This was an analytical survey study using an observational design with a case control design. The population in this study was assigned into 2 groups, namely the case group (smear-positive pulmonary TB respondents) and the control group (smear-negative pulmonary TB respondents), with 30 people respectively. The results showed that house lighting obtained a p value=0.035 with OR value of 0.035, occupancy density obtained a p value=0.009 with OR (Odds Ratio) value of 4.125, and type of floor obtained a p value=0.000 with OR value of 8.500. Thus, the three variables were the risk factors of pulmonary TB.

Keywords: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Hazard Control

Topic: Health, Medical, Pharmacy and Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Mohamad Sadli)

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