EXISTENCE OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN REGISTERED FOR THE PARTIES Lilik Puja Rahayu a), Asri Wijayanti b)*, Yayuk Sugiarti c), Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewi d), Anang Doni Irawan e)
a) Bondowoso University
JalanDiponegoro 247 Bondowoso, Indonesia
b)* University Muhammadiyah of Surabaya
c) University Wiraraja Sumenep
d) University Dwijendra Bali
e) University Muhammadiyah of Surabaya
If the contents of collective agreements made by the parties contain legal violations, they will cause problems in the future if they are registered. The purpose of this study is to analyze the position of the contents of collective agreements that have been registered at the local District Court on the rights and obligations of the parties. This research is a normative juridical with statute approach. The results of the study concluded that collective agreements that have been registered could bind on both parties. If one party does not carry out the contents of collective agreements, then an execution can be submitted. Collective agreements that have been registered cannot be filed for cancellation because they have permanent legal force. It can be concluded that the existence of the collective agreements that have been registered by the parties are bound those parties since they already have permanent legal force.