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Management of Environmental Conservation Management in the Kaili Ethnic Community Based on Green History as a Source of Learning of History
Iskandar1, Mahfud M. Gammar1, Hasan1, Nuraedah1, Juraid Abdul Latief1, Misnah 1* , Moh. Ali 2

1) Departement of Education Science, Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
2) Insitute, Indonesia nstitut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palu, Central Sulawesi



This study aims to examine descriptively the management of environmental preservation in the Kaili ethnic community based on green history that can be used as a source of history learning in high school as a new paradigm in learning history. The method used is descriptive qualitative through the application of observation, interviews, reviewing documents and testing data validity through the stages of triangulation in uncovering the problems of the study in this research. The results of this study resulted in the finding that the Kaili ethnic community had a concept and management in managing the environment through local wisdom based on green history through the philosophy tradition of Mojagai Mata nu Uve, as a life philosophy implemented by the Kaili ethnic community in Sigi Regency as a form of love for the environment , the act of harmonious attitude towards nature, as a form of maintaining the continuity of life for creatures on this earth, thus the value of local wisdom based on green history is developed as a source of historical learning as a new paradigm in the history of learning by using the values of local-based local wisdom in accordance with local conditions, contextual environmental problems as a design for the development of historical learning resources by integrating regional culture-based learning in accordance with the demands of the 2013 curriculum.

Keywords: Teaching Material, Nutritional Status, Video Media and Physical Fitness

Topic: Education

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