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Analysis of Borax and Rhodamin as Non-Permitted Food additives
Siti Rahmah KR, Susan Sintia R, Nia Kurniasih, Nurhidayati Harun, Anna L Yusuf, Anti Dwi fitria, Devi Nopianti

STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis


Food additives are important ingredients in food production to preserve, improve the taste and increase appearance of food. The use of food additives in Indonesia has been regulated by the ministery of health and by regulation of BPOM. Boraks and rhodamin B are chemical compounds that are forbidden as food additives. Currently, borax are still used as preservatives in food such as meatballs and fishball. Rhodamin B also includes ingredients that are prohibited from being used as food coloring The purpose of this study is analysis borax in meatballs and rhodamin B inshrimp paste were sold around the Ciamis market. Identification of the borax content used the flame test and turmeric paper methods. Determination of borax and rhodamin B level are done by visible sphectrophotometry. The result of analysis of borax level from ten meatballs samples, there are five samples contain of borax are 0,012%, 0,020%,0,020%,0,020%, and 0,006%. And from six samples of shrimp paste there are three samples contain rhodamin B with level of each 0,00418%, 0,00216% and 0,00334%.

Keywords: Borax, rhodamin B, flame test, turmeric test, visible spectrophotometry

Topic: Health, Medical, Pharmacy and Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Siti Rahmah Kurnia Ramdan)

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