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Activated Carbon from Melinjo Shell (Gnetum gnemon) Composed of TiO2 Nanoparticles as BTX Adsorbent
safril (2), slamet (3), yuliusman (3)

(2) Universitas Serang Raya
(3) Universitas Indonesia


The reduced of benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) has been carried out using activated carbon from melinjo shell (Gnetum gnemon) composed of TiO2 nanoparticles as adsorbent. Activated carbon have porous structures that can adsorb BTX while TiO2 nanoparticles can improve the performance of adsorbents. The main objective of this study was to determine how effective are activated carbon from melinjo shell composed of TiO2 nanoparticles in reducing BTX levels. Activated carbon was synthesize by carbonization process at 400oC then activating with KOH 65% and physical activation at 550oC. Activated carbon then composite with TiO2 nanoparticles (AC-TiO2). 1 gram AC-TiO2 was contact with 500ppm of benzene, toluene and xylene for 12, 24, 36, 48 hours. All BTX which contact with AC-TiO2 has the lowest of final concentrations, for benzene is 77ppm at 48 hours, toluene is 95 ppm at 48 hours, and xylene is 197 ppm.

Keyword: activated charcoal, adsorption, melinjo, btx

Keywords: activated charcoal, adsorption, melinjo, btx

Topic: Engineering and Technology

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Apriliana Dwijayanti)

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