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Mardhatillah (a*), Siti Mayang Sari (a), Herman Dwi Surjono (b), Ali Muhtadi (b)

(a) STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh, Meureubo, West Aceh 23615, Indonesia *mardhatillah.atjeh[at]
(b) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia


Indonesia is a nation consisting of various ethnic groups, ethnicities, cultures, customs, languages and religions. This plurality is called (kebhinekaan) diversity, it is used as an independence struggle movement to unite and not to divide. The preservation of Indonesian culture is still considered weak compared to the fast movement of globalization. A sense of pride in the national identity possessed by students is very much needed during this industrial revolution 4.0 which will produce an attitude of nationalism for students. Nationalism is a national understanding which implies the pride of one^s nation, awareness and spirit of love for the country and has a sense of unity and entity. The students^ attitude of diversity will be reflected in the behavior of respecting, preserving, protecting and maintaining everything that is different from themselves. This sense of diversity can be formed through appropriate learning patterns and be able to accustom students to appreciate the differences that exist around students. Thematic learning models based on gender and diversity through steps (syntax), patterns of social interaction are considered capable of forming student personalities so that the character of students who have a high sense of diversity is shown in the wider community by respecting others even though they have different religions, cultures and customs.

Keywords: Thematic Learning- Gender Equality- Value of Diversity

Topic: Education

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