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Based Instructional Materials Development Training Nosarara Nosabatutu For Teachers Elementary School Conflict Resolution Education
Misnah 1, Iskandar 1,Mutawakkil 1, Juraid Abdul Latief 1, Bau Ratu 1, Hasan 1

1) Departement of Education Science, Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia



The purpose of research is to develop teaching materials based on local wisdom Nosarara Nosabatutu the watchword for resolving conflicts in ethnic communities Kaili which contains the values of peace, brotherhood, kinship, unity, unity, and goodness for the benefit of living together. The results of this study are to design the values of local wisdom of Nosarara Nosabatutu in the form of the implementation of the value of molibu (deliberation of consensus) as a form of Kaili ethnic community culture in resolving conflicts as a form of ancestral cultural heritage which is then packaged to improve teacher competence in primary schools through the development of teaching materials based on Nosarara culture Nosabatutu as a conflict resolution education material This research method applies qualitative research with the design of action research implementation using a spiral model, in training activities carried out systematically applying Plan, act, observe and reflect, and thus will be one of the resolutions of conflict resolution in schools and communities to create a peaceful, safe and peaceful society with the symbol of Nosarara Nosabatutu.

Keywords: Development, teaching materials, Nosarara Nosabatutu, Conflict Resolution

Topic: Education

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