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The Optimalization of Family Health Care Function in Effort to Improve the Quality of Life for Tuberculosis Patients in Tasikmalaya City
Lilis Lismayanti1, Nina Pamela Sari2, Miftahul Falah3, Mohammad Raju Sahrial Ilhami4, Erien Widyani5, Chelin Melinda6, Angga Riadi Permana7

Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya


TTuberculosis is an infectious disease can affect many people in Indonesia, especially in the middle to lower economic groups. The impact caused by tuberculosis is not only the occurrence of physical weakness, but also psychological, social, economic disorders, and even can cause stigma. It seems that the management of tuberculosis must involve various parties, especially the role of families who work together with tuberculosis patients on a daily life. One effort can be done is to optimize the role of the family through improving the function of family health care in management at home. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of education through the optimalization of the function of family health care to the quality of life for Tuberculosis patients in Tasikmalaya city. The study design used a quasi-experiment with one group pre and post-test design. The population in this study was 35 families of Tuberculosis patients actively went to Puskesmas Tamansari . The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, with total sample of 35 families. Data collection tool in this study used a questionnaire about gender, age, education, marital status, employment, income and quality of life of ^WHOQOL-BREF^. Data analysis was used Wilcoxon, the result showed the effect of education through optimizing the role of the family on the quality of life for tuberculosis patients with a p value of 0,000. The existence of an optimal family role, the patients feel not alone to deal with the disease, so they can improve their enthusiasm for life and try to comply with treatment and able to follow all the recommended procedures. Thus tuberculosis sufferers feel more meaningful and the quality of life is increasing. It is recommended that health workers always involve the family in carrying out their health care functions, especially for tuberculosis patients during treatment at home.

Keywords: tuberculosis, health care function, family, quality of life.

Topic: Health, Medical, Pharmacy and Technology

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