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In Vivo Potential Anti-Inflammatory activity of extracts from Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb Leaves
Naelaz Zukhruf Wakhidatul Kiromah, Ari Purnomo Aji, Muchromin

Departement of Pharmacy, STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong


Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. (EG) is the king of herbal medicines which belongs to family Elaeocarpaceace. It is commonly known as Rudraksha and is populary used in Ayurverda, Siddha and Unani sytem of medicine. Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb had been reported to exhibit its extensive use to treat pain and inflammation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of EG leaves. The methanol,ethanol and aqueous extracts (ME, EA, AE) were investigated for their anti-inflammatory potential againts adjuvant carrageenan-induced hind paw edema in rats and using diclofenac sodium (27 mg/kg body weight) as a standard drug. The anti-inflammatory activity was found to be dose dependent in carrageenan-induced paw edema model. The results demonstrated that Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb EG extracts had significant anti-inflammatory activity where AE at the doses 100 mg/kg p.o (p<0.05) had the best significant reduction and inhibition of paw edema 80.28% on 3th hour. These results indicate that it could be suggested as contributory effects to use of Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb leaves in the management of inflammation and pain conditions.

Keywords: Anti-inflammatory activity, Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb leaves, paw edema

Topic: Health, Medical, Pharmacy and Technology

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