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The Use of Social Media in Anti-Corruption Education Abstract
Adsina Fibra, Juliana Berewot

Bina Nusantara University


Indonesian government shows a strong commitment to fight corruption. One of the efforts is embedded anti-corruption education policy to all levels of education. This paper aims to describe the implementation of a collaborative project between the National Corruption Watch and a private university. The project was designed for all first semester students and aimed to raise their awareness in monitoring good and clean governance. The study aims to describe the implementation of anti-corruption education in Character-building: Pancasila class. A class designed to promote the Indonesian national ideology. The data were collected using a qualitative approach, which set out to analyze how this university implements the anti-corruption education policy and how the students learned through the process of creating Public Service Announcement (PSA) using a social media platform. The research showed that this project can be an alternative pedagogy in anti-corruption education, especially in higher education. In the long run, it is expected that the educational-social media project helps to eradicate corruptive behavior in society.

Keywords: anti-corruption education, corruption eradication, character building, pedagogy in higher education

Topic: Social Science and Humanities

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