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Formation of Entrepreunerial soul in the Business Incubantor Center of The University of PGRI Palangka Raya
Asro Lailani Indrayanti, Arief Rahman Hakim, Yos Andy Tangkasiang, Perwira Jati Wicaksono, Robby Julianto, Daryana

Universitas PGRI Palangka Raya


Collages and University is tasked with facilitating efforts to increase the employability of its graduates. Alumni of High Education are expected not only to be job seekers but also job creators. The PGRI University of Palangka Raya tries to play a role in increasing employment through the establishment of new entrepreneurs and technology-based through Incubator Business Center (IBC) of PGRI University of Palangka Raya.

In 2012-2015, IBC has run a student entrepreneurship program, in 2016 IBC ran a Cooperative Education Program, in 2017 implemented an integrated study and work program and Indonesian Student Business Creativity, in 2016 - 2017 following the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship expo, in 2018 - 2019 implement a prospective technology-based beginner entrepreneur program, in 2019 implement a technology-based beginner entrepreneur program and in 2019 - 2020 (ongoing) implement an entrepreneurial development program.

The number of students involved in the program is 78 students. Until 2019 there were 34 students starting their businesses, and 12 of them were already exist. IBC also has 2 products that are already institutionally appropriate for production processes to be submitted to MSMEs or alumni / students.

One of the factors that determines the success of forming an entrepreneurial spirit is the process of apprenticeship to similar MSMEs. In the apprenticeship process, students learn entrepreneurship to SMEs but at the same time also provide advice in the field of technology and managerial to them.

Keywords: entrepreneurs, incubator business, entrepreneurial development program, apprenticeship

Topic: Social Science and Humanities

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Ir. Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Si Ir. Arief Rahman hakim, M.Si.)

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