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Influence of fresh feed on growth performance snakehead fish (Channa striata)
Zainuddin, M I Djawad, M Y Karim, S Aslamyah

Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University


Snakehead fish (Channa striata) is a type of freshwater fish that has an important economic value because its price in the market tends to increase. This type of fish has an albumin content of about 21% and complete essential amino acids. The aim of the research was to determine the best type of fresh feed for optimal snakehead fish growth performance. The research method used was an experimental design with a 4x3 Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments tested were various types of fresh feed (A. Snakeskin gourami Trichopodus pectoralis- B. Silver barb Barbonymus gonionotus- C. The Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and D. pellets (control). The treatments were given three repetitions each. The snakehead fish seeds used were 6- 8 cm stocked at a density of 40 fish/m2 in a tarpaulin pond. The frequency of feeding was done twice a day with a feeding rate of 10% of body weight. The research parameters tested were the glycogen content, the body chemical composition, survival and growth of the test fish. The results showed that the treatment of various types of fresh feed and the control had a significant effect on the body glycogen content of the snakehead fish. The Tukey test results showed that the treatment of fresh Snakeskin gourami feed was significantly lower than that of fresh Silver barb, the Nile tilapia and pellets. Meanwhile, Silver barb feed, the Nile tilapia and pellets were no different. The glycogen content ranged from 32.50-36.21%. Furthermore, various types of fresh feed had the same effect on body chemical composition, survival and growth of snakehead fish. The body protein content ranges from 67.82-69.49%, fat 13.53-14.47%, Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) 1.83-3.05% and energy 5728.60-5807.04 kcal/kg. The daily growth rate of snakehead fish ranges from 8.95-25.63% per day with survival rates ranging from 35.8% -71.3%.

Keywords: Snakehead fish, fresh feed, glycogen, growth, survival rate

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries

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