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The Effect of Different Carbohydrate Sources and Salt Concentration on Microbiology and Chemical Umami Characteristics of Bekasam from Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Anis Miftachurrochmah, Wenny Bekti Sunarharum, Kiki Fibrianto

Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya


Bekasam is a fermented fish product that is found in several regions of Indonesia, especially in South Sumatra, South Borneo, and North Sulawesi. Bekasam fermentation is a spontaneous fermentation that utilizes the activity of lactic acid bacteria using carbohydrates and salt for seven days of fermentation. Bekasam is generally made using freshwater fish, one of which is tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). It has a sweet, sour, and delicious taste allowing it to be added as a flavoring to dishes or chili sauce. The synergistic combination of fermented compounds, such as amino and organic acids, can produce a savory or umami taste. Previously somebody knew that chemical and microbiological characteristics could affect the intensity of umami taste in fermented products such as crab sauce, rusip, etc. This study aims to analyze the microbiological and chemical characteristics of bekasam products from tilapia with different carbohydrate sources (A1: white rice, A2: white rice + brown sugar) and salt concentration (B1: 10%, B2: 12.5%, B3: 15%). The results showed that differences in carbohydrate sources and salt concentrations could produce significant differences (p<0.05) in the total number of lactic acid bacteria (6.61-7.47 log CFU/ml), pH value (5.36-6.13), total acid (0.021-0.035% ), water content (65.58-67.85%), protein (2.80-5.24%), and composition of total amino acids (especially glutamic acid and aspartate).

Keywords: bekasam, tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), umami characteristics

Topic: Marine and Fisheries Biotechnology

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