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Seagrass Condition in Salissingan Island and Gusung Durian Sandbar of Balabalakang archipelago, Western Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Yayu Anugrah La Nafie1*, Nenni Asriani2, Gunawan1e Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

1 Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries
Hasanuddin University, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan km 10 Tamalanrea Makassar
2 Fisheries Science Study Program- Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry- University of Sembilanbelas November Kolaka


Seagrass is acknowledged for their important functions as values. They can act as breeding, feeding and nursery grounds for many marine biotas, protecting the beach behind it by dampening wave actions, as carbon sinks and many others. However, seagrass is declining worldwide, including in many places in Archipelagic State, Indonesia. This study aims to find out seagrass conditions in Salissingan island and Gusung Durian Sandbar of Balabalakang archipelago, in Western Sulawesi Province. A rapid assessment on seagrass condition was applied. A quadrat/ frame (50cm x 50cm) was divided into 4 grids (25x25cm2) used to estimate the seagrass, macro and turf algae percent covers as well as the seagrass density. Furthermore, some other associated biota (e.g. sea urchins and gastropods) found in the quadrat were also recorded. There were four seagrass species (Cymodocea rotundata, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis and Thalassia hemprichii) found in both Salissingan island and Gusung Durian. In Salissingan island, seagrass total density ranged from 9,83-566 shoots.m-2, percent cover 1,81 % - 30%, alga cover 0,03 - 8,85b% and turf alga cover ranged from 0,20-43,96%. Whereas in Gusung Durian Island, seagrass total density ranged from 211,67 - 245,50 shoots/m2, percent cover from 12-17%, macroalgae coverage ranged 0,04-2,71% and turf algae cover 1,67 - 8,91 %. Seagrass condition in both locations is considered sparse. These sparse conditions and varied density may be due to turtle grazing in those areas, abiotic factors or anthropogenic activities through boating and fishing.

Keywords: Seagrass condition, Salissingan, Gusung Durian, Balabalakang, Western Sulawesi

Topic: Aquatic Biodiversity

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