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Measuring the fish logistics performance index in the Indonesian fisheries supply chains
Prayudi Budi Utomo1, Berny A. Subki1, Harlin1, Usep Suhendar1, Indah Kusharyanti1, Ulfa Khaerawati Hamdan1, Eviet Sri Setiyorini1, Tri Hardi Putra1, Tri Hardi Putra1, Muhammad Hanief Ihsanuddin1, Dian Novianto2, Taryono3

1Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Product Competitivenes, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta, Indonesia
2Research Center for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong, Indonesia
3IPB University

Email : prayudi[at]


Indonesia is an archipelagic nation and is observed experiencing an unequal distribution in terms of population, economic access and goods distribution including fisheries products between western and eastern part of the country. To tackle such challenges The Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries launched the National Fish Logistics System (SLIN) since 2014 which has objective to develop an integrated, effective, and efficient fish and fishery product supply chain management. Some government efforts have been taken in place to achieve SLIN goals by providing cool chain facilities, capacity building of supply chain actors, empowering institution through coordinating private and government and others. Six corridors of implementation along Indonesia fish supply chain from production to distribution centre have been established as priority location.
In this study, we analysed a logistics performance approach by measuring the fish logistics performance index (IKLI) in the corridor of Mimika - Surabaya/Jakarta in 2021. The study calculation resulted in an IKLI score of 65.74 which is included in the ^Good^ category. The dimensions of ^benefits^ and ^governance^ have the highest dimension index values of 92.32 and 81.91 (excellent) respectively, while the index value for product procurement management has the lowest dimension index value of 40.15 (poor) and for dimension of ^Efficiency^ and ^Connectivity^ are 53.03 (fair) and 71.59 (good).

Keywords: National Fish Logistics System (SLIN), Logistic performance index, fish supply chain

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries

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