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Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management to Assess the Fisheries Management State of Singkarak Lake Resources, Indonesia
Husnah Husnah (a*),, Renny Puspasari, Setiya Triharyuni, Arianto(a), Syahroma Husni Nasution, Muhammad Suhaemi Syawal (b), Hafrizal Syandri (c), Sonny Koeshendrajana^ (d), Yosmaniar (e), Yoga Candra Ditya (f)

a) Research Center for Fisheries, National Research, and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
b) Research Center for Limnology and Water Resource, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Fisheries, University of Bung Hatta, Indonesia
d) Research Center for Secular and Economy Behavior, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
e) Research Center for Conservation of Marine, Inland, and Small Island Conservation
, National Research and Innovation Indonesia
f) Research Center for Biotechnology, National Research, and Innovation Indonesia


Lake Singkarak has been designated as one of Indonesia^s 15 critical lakes. At least 3.9 million people use the aquatic resources of Lake Singkarak as a source of life and livelihood. Fisheries is one of the sectors contribute to the food security, especially protein. Various anthropogenic activities degraded the ecosystem and decreased fisheries production and biodiversity. There is no information on the status of management, especially fisheries resources. The current management status is an initial description of potential and existing problems that will be used to develop management plans and strategies for the future. Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management (EAFM) is one approach to determining the management status of a resource-based that has been adopted in Indonesia but is still limited to marine fisheries resources. As for inland fishery resources, it is still limited. The study was to assess the status of fisheries resource management in Lake Singkarak. The study was conducted using a rapid approach through structured interviews with decision makers and beneficiaries in Tanah Datar and Solok Regencies. The management component is divided into the main domains, and indicators. Indicator assessment is carried out by multicriteria analysis. The results showed that fisheries resource management in both districts was classified as being in implementing EAFM. Fishing technology, social and governance are three issues in Solok Regency, while in Tanah Datar Regency, the main issues are the environment of fish resources, economy, and groups of fish species managed.

Keywords: Fisheries management, tectonic lake, priority lake, endemic fish, anthropogenic, multicriteria lease Just Try to Submit This Sample Abstract

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries

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