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Fishing Ground and Composition of Catches of Large Pelagic Fish Using Hand line Tuna in FADs Area
Arham Rumpa (a), Muh. Soghirun (a*), Ani Leilani (a), Nurdin Kasim (a), Rafi Ohorella (a), A. Riza Baroqi (b), Putra Satria Timur (b)

a) Lecturer of Polytechnic of Marine and Fisheries Bone, 92718, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
* oghisupm[at]

b) Indonesian Fisheries and Society Foundation (MDPI), Denpasar, 80223, Bali, Indonesia


FADs have been used by hand line tuna fishermen in Bone bay. Information on the characteristics of catching hand line tuna in the FAD area is very limited as material for studying tuna fishing strategies and policies. The research aims to understand the dynamics of fishing ground FADs and the composition of tuna catches. The data used is the result of observations using four ships based at PPI Lonrae, collecting data on 185 trips over 3 years (2020, 2021, and 2022). The results showed that the conditions at the installation location for FADs were very irregular and it was seen that hand line Tuna fishermen caught two WPPs, namely 713 and 714. There were concerns that fishermen would make arrests at 714 in the FAD area. The catch was dominated yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares) 66.25%, big eye tuna (Thunnus obesus) 19.14%, skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 1.13% and discard 7.48%. The size of yellow fin tuna caught was 69.67% between 41-51 cm in length and 45.36% for big eye tuna between 41-51 cm, while skipjack tuna was 46.48% between 31-40 cm and 52.88% in 41-50 cm. For an average catch rate of 806.4 kg/trip with a trip length of 10-15 days. These findings show that for 3 years, composition of hand line tuna catches in FADs still dominated by small tuna. It is necessary to regulate FAD management and hand line fishermen need to be directed to only catch fish that are worth catching in the FAD area.

Keywords: Fishermen, hand line, large pelagic, management, FADs

Topic: Marine and Fisheries Biotechnology

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