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Preliminary Study of onboard handling of the Blue Swimming Crabs in Fisheries Fleet
Zarochman (a*), Suparman Sasmita (a), Zainal Wassahua (a), S.S Sukoraharjo (a)

(a)National Research and Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia,
Jl. Raya Bogor, KM. 46, Cibinong, Nanggewer Mekar, Bogor, East Java, 16912, Indonesia
*Email: zaro001[at]


The testing program is the beginning of the assessment phase of the blue swimming crab (BSC) fishing fleet with on board handling. Fishing gear for blue swimming crabs uses bubu (Traps). The fleet operation has been a one-day trip, so the handling of BSC and steaming are done on land. The target fishing ground is in waters > 20 meters deep. Engineering activities through assessment and application with immediate steaming handling at pasteurization temperature and storage of crab in a cold system on board. Program is attempting to achieve the target of optimal operational effectiveness of BSC fleet by producing innovations: The fleet components that are feasible and suitable for deeper waters with a 3- to 10-day for one trip. Studies are carried out on the suitability of ship, the design of mapping the fishing operation area, the steaming work order, and BSC of the ship^s storage with a rack arrangement. Storage can ensure the maintenance of quality of BSC with a larger size, greater yield content of crab meat, increased catch capacity, and high economic value. Information system of mapped fishing grounds as a material for analyzing the formation of fishing grounds in WPPNRI 712.

Keywords: fleets, blue swimming crabs, onboard handling, bubu

Topic: Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Zarochman Zarochman)

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